IT'S THE FREAKIN' WEEKEND! almost. things are finally wrapping up at the house and this weekend we can finally begin to put our lives back together. here is a gander at the kitch/sink situation: that backsplash is delicious. don't ya think? and i've always wanted a farmer's sink. we found this online for HALF off! PLUS a coupon code. seriously y'all. eBay and the internet are your bff's when you need stuff like this. never ever pay full price at a showroom. that's just my opionion though. also one thing i've learned- always google coupon codes for the store. 6 out of 10 times i find one and it's usually 20 to 25 percent off! GUHD stuff right there. rilll guhd. let's move on to my friday finds. i love me some anthro as much as the next girl, but sometimes their prices are just ridic right? for example this new pillow: 300 bones. and i'm 99.9% sure that it's the exact same as this pillow: ...just turned sid...