I have about 5 minutes before Cash wakes up for the day (sleeping this late is VERY unusual mind you) so I have to type reallllllllll fast. Cash started sleeping through the night around like 6 weeks old. We were shocked, naive, and all like ''well that's not as bad as people say?!?!" Literally he would sleep from like 8 PM to 8 AM. Heaven, right? Yeah, until he was around 4-5 months old. Then that stopped. Out of nowhere. Isn't that backwards? I'm pretty sure I would rather have a newborn up all night and then transition to sleeping through the night because ever since that one night he woke up during the night he never we are 5 months later and it's gotten even worse. We have 6 weeks until baby girl comes and I'm determined to figure something out. We have seriously tried almost e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. I have ordered every book off Amazon, I have met with doctors, we have tried CIO, Ferber, bla bla bla. You name it, we've tried it. ...