...and so is this blog. Wow, that was an embarrassing gap between posts. You see, life has been crayzay (in a good way) and this little blog just had to take a backseat for a while. You'll be happy to know that I am re-insp-iah-ed and ready to blog my happy little heart out. My hubby is in San Antonio for a WHOLE WEEK (I am dying & it's only Monday) so I plan to do a lot of writing to keep me busy and my mind preoccupied. I saw this room in the preview of the Lonny March/April 2012 issue and...{be right back, must fill up my wine glass}..... via Lonny Mag OK replenished. LOOK AT THAT BED. Just look at it. I am speechless-- Ikat headboard? Pretty red, pink, blue flower shams? Funky yet girly. I hope Brett loves it because that is TOTALLY happening in some form or the other. If you want to copy this look and make me really jealous here ya go: Blue Ikat Headboard Obv this isn't the exact same, but trust me it's WAY c...