Bonjour fellow readers (although no one knows this blog exists...yet)! I'm sitting in my school's computer lab dreaming up ideas for how awesome this blog could be. In reality, I decided to start this leeetle piece of heaven because I got tired of keeping track of all my ideas via Pinterest, Microsoft Word, and actual magazines. It's just too much peoples. Then my A-HA moment came to me...I'll start a blog to have all my fab and not-so-fab material in ONE place. Genious. Now you are probably wondering what this "blog" is about. My AMAZING FIANCE, SOULMATE, BEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WORLD, CRAZY IN LOVE FUTURE HUBBY TO BE (get used to this), and I (Ryann, nice to meet ya) are building our first house in the Heights starting at the end of this year. HOW WILL WE DESIGN IT? has become my most recent fear since neither of us are sure if we are interior-design-savvy. Eventually we shall have help, but until then I want to be one of those clients who "knows what they want." I mean....if I get good at it...maybe I could do it myself? #wishfulthinking But you never know, so here I depart on my journey of learning how to design, what we want, what we like, and lots of pretty peeeectures along the way.
Our future neighborhood. So purty. |
I am SO excited that you've created this little blog nugget!! Can't wait to follow your design journey. So excited for you and Brett! how funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.