Of course every time I sit down to write this post, Cash wakes up from his cat nap, but this time I have him trapped in the ERGO carrier and it puts him out like a light. (Insert baby product promo) If you've been following this blog from the beginning when I was writing about building West 26th (RIP)... Which by the way, the guy who bought the lot from us is just letting deteriorate with weeds and grass. The horror... But anyways, if you've been following along you've heard me mention this wallpaper numerous times. In fact you've heard me mention the use of wallpaper a MILLION times and it's never happened. Now that we actually have a house I am so tempted to put this in Cash's bathroom. I've been dreaming about it for 2 years now and think it's time to bite the bullet. Our builder suggested putting bead-boards up half the wall to minimize how many rolls we would need (save some pennies) which I think sounds like an excellent idea. You...