Technically 13 days. I think a layday on the message board I was on yesterday said it best: "I just think I will always be pregnant. At some point I will have contractions, I will be in the hospital and a baby will be handed to me...But even that seems like a dream.'' That 100% sums up how I've been feeling lately. Yes, I know he's worth the wait. Yes, we're beyond excited. Yes, he's almost here. I know, I hear everyone. But I feel like I've been pregnant forever and feel like that is a part of who I am now. I don't see an end. I know it's happening in literally days, but it seems like a dream to me. Hopefully someone can relate to this somehow and I'm not just crazy? On another note, since I've last blogged, we've had two doctor appointments to check on Cash's progress. As of today, I'm 1 CM dilated and 50% effaced! Which doesn't mean a whole lot in terms of time, but my body is getting in gear and doing...